TestDisk+PhotoRec :Download free hard drive recovery+ repair

download for free TestDisk+photorec
TestDisk + PhotoRec  6.13: these include a high-level software that simultaneously plays two roles separate, so that TestDisk PhotoRec can recover  all partitions of a hard disk(hard drive recovery software free) even make changes and repairs level partitions with known problems with components sectors, in addition , this free software gives access to the recovery of all lost data of drive simply.

As a general ,TestDisk can recover lost partitions of a hard disk, the more that this software is able to detect bad sectors at the latter even bring actions to rectify most relevant to repair these errors.

In addition, there are also PhotoRec which plays the role of data recovery lost due to deletion poorly controlled by the user himself, more than lost data even after formatting the computer for any causes.

most last version of this software data recovery is that known as TestDisk PhotoRec + 6.13, even more this tool is completely free and has worn it.

                        Download TestDisk+PhotoRec 6.13 free


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